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Aluminum Building Products

          Aluminum building products are made to last.. No more replacing, staining or painting.

          Bring on the sunshine or bad weather aluminum products will not warp, twist or fade..

          Not only does Aluminum look great it is more affordable than any other building materials used today

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Patios-Carports-Shade Covers


Protecting your property and yourself from the sun is mandatory.


Shade your home to lower your electric bill and make a nice usable area to enjoy the outdoors.


Automobiles are very important in today's society. Arizona sun is sure to fade the nice paint job on your car or truck. Save your vehicle with an affordable carport.


Scroll through the images above to see examples of how JOB llc can protect you..

Screen Rooms-Arizona Rooms


Screen Rooms are a great way to enjoy the outdoors while maintaining the comfort of your home.


Screen Rooms allow air to flow through your patio while keeping out all the pesky critters.

No more mosquito bites, scary spiders or

poisonous snakes on your patio..

Birds and rodents will no longer make messes of your potted plants.


Sun Rooms include all the amenities of a screen rooms while adding the comfort of




Pool Enclosures


Pool Enclosures make swimming more enjoyable.


Keep your swimming area cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Enclosing your pool makes it possible to swim comfortably year round.


One of the most benificial parts of enclosing your pool is keeping it clean.. No more getting whiped out from a dust storm or blowing leafes. Not only will enclosing your pool keep it clean. Patio areas around your pool will aso stay clean.   

Created by: JOB llc       573-723-2222       License & Insured

          37 Bear Creek Brigade Kaiser, Mo.              Serving - Lake Of The Ozarks & Surrounding Areas!
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